Making Nutrition Work For You

Helping women create better lifestyle choices
and be the healthiest they have ever been.

Where To

Who am I? What do I do?
Find out a little more
about me and what I do.

What is it? Is it for you?
Understand more about my coaching techniques and how I can help you.

What my clients say

“Since Sarah has helped me with my nutrition, I’ve learnt so much. The main thing being that I don’t need to starve or restrict myself to lose weight. She’s always at the end of the line for any help or questions. I also attend Sarah’s Pilates classes which I love. 
I can’t thank her enough! .”

— Rachel

“I followed one of Sarah’s nutrition plans which was amazing, some great meals I didn’t think I could eat. I can’t emphasize how friendly she is, full of helpful advice and very supportive. X.”

— Louise

“Sarah is always there for guidance I had days when I ate rubbish due to various things such as my mood. However by discussing it with Sarah and making slight changes or balancing out my food for the rest of the day/week made me feel ok and not want to go into starving myself for the next day or later on that day. ”

— Helen

Ready for change

Do you want to kick start your way back to health?

Do you want to leave the restrictive diets for good?

Looking for a way to feel refreshed in body and mind?

Wanting clearer skin? Less bloat? More energy?

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed with all the conflicting information everywhere.
Work with me as your nutrition coach to reach all your goals without feeling miserable and hungry.

It’s time to take control and feel good in your body, let’s get you started.